But what to write about for the New Year. Well i'm rolling with the cliches here and chipping in with my top films of 2008, and with some films to look out for in 2009. My top films of 2008 are by no means an exhaustive list, because frankly, I haven't seen every film that came out, of course, i'm no lucky film journo with tickets to all the screenings. No, if i've seen a film, i've paid good money for it, which makes my opinion just as worthy to be heard (yeah right, big head....whatever, here it is, you don't have to read it anyway).
Number 5 - Cloverfield
It's just a big dumb monster movie if you have to sum it up. With 2-D Gap models for the main characters to boot. So what made it one of the films of the year? Well, anticipation for the film was ratcheted up to boiling point before its release by one of the cleverest viral marketing campaigns yet (that's before The Dark Knight came along and stole its thunder), and when something is hyped so much, there is always the risk that you'll be let down. But for once, Cloverfield delivered. From start to finish, the action never let up, and had the right mix of scares, shocks, 'whatthehell' moments along with stunning special effects, and all filmed in Blair-Witch patented shaky-cam. It was just a moment of 'damn, why didn't I think of that" for me. Well executed, not bloated, succint, and no messing around. Like I said... It's just a big dumb monster movie. Just don't bother with a sequel guys. Oh and if you didn't see it at the cinema, then don't expect the home viewing experience to live up to the big screen. Unless you have a kick-ass home system.
Number 4 - The Dark Knight
If you read back over my blog, you may find a slight obsession with this movie, so you may be surprised to hear it didn't make number one on the list. But in hindsight, my mind flags up all the problems I had when watching the film, rather than it's plus points, so for this reason, it makes number four. What else is there to say about TDK that hasn't been said. The movie has made damned near $1billion making it the fourth highest grossing film EVER, and is set to be re-released in the States for a pre-Oscar push, and probably to see if they can't scrape in a few more pennies for Warners. I just hope to god that it's still playing this year at the IMAX because I need to see it there. The film has to be seen for Heath Ledgers whirlwind performance as the Joker. Lets just see if he gets a posthumous nod at the Academy Awards, it seems like the mawkish sort of thing they would do, but I still wouldn't bet on it.
Number 3 - Let The Right One In
This is a bit of a cheat, as this hasn't been released over here yet. But it's a swedish vampire film, part horror, part sweet coming-of-age drama. Filmed in a snow covered perma-frost suburb somewhere in Sweden (i'm not even sure if it is set now, or the 1970/80s due to the strange Swedish fashions on show), a new family moves into local flats, and the hero 12 year old bullied Oskar sets out to befriend his new female neighbour 12 year old (or so it seems) Eli. A sweet natured friendship/romance develops, but Eli is a vampire. Anyway, I won't spoil it for you, but I for one will be queuing up to see this at the cinema when it comes out proper over here (April according to imdb and Empire). It has great performances, stunning cinematography, and the right mix of heartwarming and bloodchilling moments to make this a cult classic. (Apparently Matt Reeves the director of Cloverfield has been signed for a US remake, which has no chance of bettering this version, but we'll see)
Number 2 - In Bruges
I missed this at the cinema, and wrote about it in an earlier blog. This film has stuck with me since I watched it on DVD, and has been my recommendation to anyone looking to rent a DVD whenever they asked me. It is just SO funny, and so unexpected for me. I had pretty much written off any movie starring Colin Farrell after seeing The Recruit (a godawful CIA/FBI trainee gone wrong balls with Pacino) and Phone Booth. I liked him in Minority Report and even Miami Vice, but had just gone off him massively. Over-rated. Until I saw this. But the film doesn't just belong to Farrell, as it features superb turns from Brendan Gleeson, Ralph Fiennes and Jordan Prentice as the most deranged dwarf/midget/little person EVER. If you haven't seen this, seek it out. You won't be disappointed.
Number 1 - There Will Be Blood
Released in 2007 in the States, this was released around the same time as other 2008 classics Juno, The Diving Bell and The Butterfly and No Country For Old Men, which I saw all of on the big screen, but this is the one that has stuck with me the longest, I recently re-watched it on DVD where it did lose some of its power, but still retained the vim and vigour of Daniel Day- Lewis' barn-storming turn as Oil-magnate Daniel Plainview. Plainview, as the films anti-hero, limps through this film with so much passion, rage and sneaky greed, by the time the films comes to it's shocking conclusion, you just wish he would get his comeuppance. Plainview is this years monster of choice for me, which up against the Joker and the Cloverfield beasty is saying something. A deserved Oscar win for Day-Lewis. This filmed is many faceted, deeply textured with layers and layers that bears up to repeat viewings that belie its near 3 hour running time. Time flies when you're wincing through the Oil. PT Anderson is one of the most interesting directors working today in my opinion and can't wait to see what he does next.
So that's 2008 wrapped up. Special mentions for the ones that nearly made the list -
Frost/Nixon (not out until this year anyway)
And the worst films? I wouldn't be that cruel...
Cough***INDY 4***Cough
So big films to look out for this year, and remember, i'm a sucker for hype so there's no guarantee these will be any good, but i'm looking forward to anyway...
Crank 2 : High Voltage
What can I say, I heart the Stath. And this trailer is about the stupidest thing i've ever seen.
This is a big-screen adaptation of one of the sickest comics i've ever read. It's just a shame it's got bloody Nic Cage in it. Set in a realistic world, a kid decides to take the law into his own hands and turn himself into a hero straight out of his beloved comic books. Looks pretty good.
The official website has gone live here but as yet there's nothing on it, but if it's as good as the comic you are in for a violent treat.
Public Enemies
The new film Michael Mann starring Christian Bale and Johnny Depp, enough said? Check out images of the prohibition era crime epic here.
Star Trek
JJ Abrams (Lost) Trek reboot looks amazing. Can't wait. Never been excited about a Trek film before, and I hope that they show Lucas how not to fuck up an important sci-fi franchise.
Terminator 4
T3 was pants, but Christian Bale is in this. McG don't fuck this up. Check out the huge Terminators. Very cool.
Ok, i'm slightly obsessed with Pixar after treating myself to the box-set for Christmas. So I am suitably excited about Up, though not sure what to expect.
Oh, and because I love it watch this...Presto, the Pixar short from Wall-E. So inventive, so funny.
The Watchmen
Anticipation for this in geek-dom is already at fever pitch. But not long now guys. If you've not read the comic, then now is the time to get up to speed. And if you've never read a comic in your life, this is a good place to start. Just hope the film isn't shit.
So until next time folks...
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