Monday, 7 July 2008

Introduction Blog



This is my first ever attempt at writing a blog. To be honest I’ve always wanted to keep a diary, and even managed for a whole year once. But alas I was a mere 10 years old and my 1992 Roald Dahl Diary (illustrated by Quentin Blake no less), is full on no greater insight into my infant mind than who I played with (village chums and cousins mainly), what we played (mainly war, wrestling or awesome nostalgia inspiring computer games such as Toe-Jam and Earl, Gauntlet, and Road Rash), what time I went to bed (?) and most interestingly what movies I’d watched (Gremlins 2, Predator and Top Gun to name but a few). If I remember I will dig out my old diary and treat you to some proper excerpts in the future, and you can judge whether my journal making skills have improved in the intervening 16 years or not.


So what can you expect from my blog? I’m not really sure myself just yet, but I will be reporting to you what movies I have watched, but this time I’ll include my opinions on them too, so I can hopefully help you to see some great movies, and to avoid some awful ones. I’ll probably be giving an opinion about many different aspects of the media, as I am I voracious devourer of all media output. So expect music recommendations, newspaper slatings and movie poster analysis (not in a semiotic way, god I couldn’t bore anyone with that, but more in a “why is the poster for Hancock so rubbish?” kind of way), along with day to day noodlings about the excruciating way of life for a 20 something british male living in London in the 21st century.


I’m not expecting anyone to ever read this, unless they stumble upon by accident, but if you do, and I talk about something of interest and you feel you must comment, then email me on


I really want to hear from you, and I hope that you enjoy my blog. I just hope you get more insight than who I played football against for Navenby Under 10’s, where, what the weather was like, and how many goals we were beaten by (Sleaford Dabs, raining, horses on the pitch, 12-0 probably).


Yours sincerely


Tom B

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